Service To Others Through Music

The S.E.R.V. program ~ the basis for “Service to Others through Music” ~ has a very important role in the structure of Mu Phi Epsilon and much of what we stand for is “service through music.” The acronym of S.E.R.V. provides important guidelines and examples of what comprises this service.

Each member keeps track of how many hours of total service they accrue over the year. In general, an activity can count for S.E.R.V. hours if the member does not receive payment, if the chapter does not collect any funds for the activity, and if the activity is not part of a class credit or degree requirement. Members are encouraged to involve music in their service wherever possible. However, hours CAN count for S.E.R.V. when music in not the focus of the service activity. Please note: Travel DOES count, to and from an event.

New to 2023: Each member should keep track of how many hours of service they have volunteered and report these hours using an online form located at

If a member does not have access to a computer, they should contact a chapter officer, a collegiate or alumni advisor, or the executive office of Mu Phi Epsilon for assistance.

S.E.R.V. hours can be reported anytime and as many times as needed up until the June 1st deadline each year. It is suggested that members report S.E.R.V. hours after they do a S.E.R.V. project or once a month in order to keep better track of their hours. Reporting hours throughout the year may be easier than waiting until May and trying to remember the hours for the entire year. Chapters will receive a report at the end of the year for all S.E.R.V. hours reported by their members.

Directions and samples of the online form are  below in the five-(5)-page .pdf document, which explains in greater detail this new reporting system. Please note: All S.E.R.V. hour reporting must be completed by June 1st.


Service to the Community: we participate in the music programs in our schools,  communities and churches, perform with or accompany civic ensembles, and offer music management, ushering and fund-raising skills for the international fraternity / foundation / or other non-profit or philanthropic organization ~ without any personal or chapter remuneration.

Education and music instruction: we provide private or group instrument instruction as well as lessons in music theory, music history, music appreciation, choral or instrumental conducting, musical theater direction and instrument demonstrations ~ with no personal or chapter remuneration.

Resource for musical activities with special populations: as individuals or together as a chapter service, we offer programming and group activities such as concerts, sing-a-longs, caroling and sharing taped or recorded music to those most disadvantaged or marginalized in our community, including the elderly, the hospitalized, special needs children, minority groups and other “special populations” ~ with no personal or chapter remuneration.

Volunteers: we donate our time and our talents to making our community and our world more beautiful. The “heart” of our service is our giving to others without receiving tangible benefit for ourselves.  We do not count any hours spent in our individual preparation or musical practice. The focus is always upon our service coming from our membership in Mu Phi Epsilon.

A .pdf version of this information, with specific direction and samples of the online form is available at Service to Others through Music
Click on document image to enlarge.

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